Let’s look into the main points that you should know before visiting a tattoo parlor because planning and preparing for your first tattoo can be challenging. Even if this is not the first time, there are many more things that you need to know and remember so that the whole tattooing process goes as smoothly as possible when you apply your new tattoo.
For an experienced tattoo studio, check the works and schedule with the local tattoo studios in your area. See our list of everything that you should and should not do, preparing to receive a new tattoo, a few days before the session.

1. Do not sunbathe
Well, to come to the salon with tanned skin is not the best idea.
Tanned skin is already very damaged. Dealing even more damage in this area will be not only more painful but all the excess blood that is already around the tanning place, trying to restore burned skin, can also cause problems with the introduction of pigment. This situation may not be comfortable for your tattoo artist.
2. Make sure that the skin is not damaged
Deep cuts, scratches, and unhealed scars can create unevenness on the skin, which can significantly complicate the work of the master.
Therefore, before going to the salon, try to keep your skin in excellent condition at the application site. Moisturizing for a week or two before the session will be an excellent solution, the skin will become more elastic and it will be easier to work with.
3. Do not drink alcohol the day before the session!
Not only will you not feel very good, but it is also absolutely impossible to get a tattoo in a state of hangover. Your blood alcohol level will probably still be elevated the day after drinking.
Excessive blood alcohol levels dilute your blood, which results in excessive bleeding during the session (which is never useful for you or for the wizard). The master has the right to refuse to get a tattoo if you are intoxicated.
4. Saturate your skin with water
Drinking plenty of water in anticipation of your visit to the salon will not only keep your skin healthy and hydrated but will probably make you feel much more alert and energetic.
5. Have a good rest on the eve
Can you imagine how exactly your body will tolerate such an intervention? And we are not, so you should rest at least 7-8 hours the night before.

6. Make sure you have enough money
It is important that you know (at least approximately) how much your tattoo will cost. Find out in advance if the payment for your tattoo will be fixed or hourly.
If the payment is hourly, you should take a little more money than you intend to spend in order to be prepared in case the session is delayed.
In addition, do not forget about the further costs of caring for a new tattoo.
7. Finalize your idea
Make sure you know exactly what you want to do. Try to think through everything to the smallest detail so that the end result is exactly the way you wanted to see it.
8. Discuss everything with the tattoo master
If you have not already done so, provide your master with everything he needs to complete the tattoo according to your requirements. This means that you have to share your ideas with the desired place for a tattoo on the body and the approximate size that you would like to see.
If you discuss all the details and the used tattoo kit with your master as soon as possible, you will have enough time to prepare everything until the moment you create your first tattoo.
9. Doctor consultation
If your tattoo artist thinks that a particular disease can potentially respond poorly to a tattoo, he may ask you to get a doctor’s opinion that tells you whether you are medically fit for this procedure.
Sort out any medical notes that you think you may need beforehand, you can prevent any possible delays before they occur to ensure there are no problems before the tattoo is created.
Of course, if you do not have any diseases, you do not need to complete this step.